Joy at our Year 7 Retreats

We have just completed all our Year 7 retreats. We hold these every year, at the start of the academic term, to welcome our new pupils and they also act as a good bonding experience. The positive feedback from pupils is extremely encouraging…

What did you learn about yourself on the retreat?
· I realised I didn’t have to be someone I wasn’t 
· To be yourself, to be a upstander and don’t be a bully
· To not let others affect your confidence 
· I enjoy big class discussions and games
· That I am a good leader

What did you learn about other people in your class?  
· I learnt that other people have some differences to me and that’s ok 
· I learnt that there is another side to people than meets the eye 
· Everyone is different and special in their own way 
· We should praise each other when we have done something good and should take a loss and not just blame it on one particular person 
· That these people are actually interesting

Did you learn anything about God today?
· Yes. That God made us beautiful. If someone says you are not beautiful, don’t trust them. God made us wonderful
· Don’t let anyone bring you down because of your looks. That’s how God made you, you don’t need anyone’s approval. God thinks you’re amazing
· He is amazing and loving and kind and fabulous and everything
· That He is always looking out for us, saves us and He will always be their to protect us from any danger.
· I learnt that no matter what mood you’re in, sad or happy, God is always there for you